door Hugo Blok | 28 mei, 2020 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
The additional, expanded or more accessible loans and guarantees that were available to small and medium-sized enterprises, start-ups and scale-ups under the first emergency package will continue. This relates to the coronavirus modules of the government-guaranteed...
door Hugo Blok | 28 mei, 2020 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
The period during which affected entrepreneurs can apply for a deferment of tax payments has been extended until 1 September 2020. Any default penalties for late payment do not have to be paid. The rates of tax interest and late payment interest have been reduced to...
door Hugo Blok | 28 mei, 2020 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Support under the Temporary Bridging Scheme for Independent Entrepreneurs (Tozo) for self-employed persons in financial need will also continue. The supplementary income support provided to help with living costs is being extended until the end of August 2020. Under...
door Hugo Blok | 28 mei, 2020 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Under the extended NOW scheme (NOW 2.0) a number of changes have been made. One example is the removal of the redundancy penalty. In addition, conditions apply to dividend payments and bonuses, and seasonal businesses are being offered a helping hand. Companies that...
door Hugo Blok | 28 mei, 2020 | Geen onderdeel van een categorie
Under the Reimbursement of Fixed Costs for SMEs scheme (in Dutch: Tegemoetkoming Vaste Lasten MKB (TVL)) companies can obtain compensation for their fixed costs. This will be capped at € 20,000 for the next three-month period. The level of the compensation received...