Entrepreneurs in sectors that have been particularly affected by the coronavirus crisis can now apply for a net contribution of € 4,000 towards their costs. This is possible under the Contribution for Entrepreneurs in Sectors Affected by COVID-19 scheme (Tegemoetkoming Ondernemers Getroffen Sectoren COVID-19 (TOGS)), previously known as the Emergency Service Point (Noodloket). Applications can be submitted until 5 p.m. on 26 June 2020. The contribution takes the form of a grant. To prevent abuse of the scheme, applications will be subject to checks.
Specific sectors
The contribution is intended for specific sectors. It covers food and drink outlets, cinemas, hair and beauty salons (including hairdressers, pedicurists and beauticians), travel agents and tour operators, driving school owners, saunas, solaria, swimming pools, fitness centres, sports clubs and sporting events, as well as certain private cultural institutions, such as museums, circuses, theatres and music schools. Entrepreneurs in the non-food sector, such as shopkeepers, can also make use of the scheme from Monday, 30 March 2020. The list of industries and sectors was updated on Monday, 30 March 2020.
Apply digitally
The application must be submitted digitally to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) at www.rvo.nl/tegemoetkomingcorona. eHerkenning, level 1 or higher, is required to make the application. Initial experiences suggest that an advisor with eHerkenning is allowed to submit the application for a client. In this case the client must have authorised the firm to do so in writing.
This contribution is subject to a number of conditions. The main ones are as follows:
- your company is based in the Netherlands;
- your company belongs to one of the sectors referred to above; this must be apparent from the entry in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce on the reference date of 15 March 2020;
- your company employs no more than 250 people;
- your company is not bankrupt and has not applied for a suspension of payments;
- you expect your turnover to drop by at least € 4,000 from 16 March 2020 to 15 June 2020;
- you expect to have fixed costs of at least € 4,000 from 16 March 2020 to 15 June 2020, also after having taken advantage of other support measures made available by the government;
- you have received no more than € 200,000 in state aid over the current and the two preceding tax years (de minimis Regulation).
Not available to businesses run from home
Another condition is that your business must be based outside your home. The sole exception are food and drink outlets, e.g. a café whose owner, tenant or lessee lives above the business.
The application
To submit an application, you need (in summary):
- eHerkenning (level 1 or higher)
- the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) number of the company (please note: not the branch number/RSIN)
- the SBI code of the company’s principal activity
- the company’s correspondence and visiting address
- the entrepreneur’s contact details: name, telephone number and email address
When will you receive your money?
RVO will endeavour to make a decision within two weeks. The payment will then be made within a few working days. If the RVO is unable to make a decision within two weeks, you will be notified promptly.