Entrepreneurs, including self-employed persons, received their provisional income tax assessment in January. In this their profit is estimated on the basis of historical data. If your profit this year turns out to be lower due to the coronavirus crisis or for other reasons, you can adjust your provisional assessment.



This can be done digitally via Mijn Belastingdienst. You will usually hear back within four – and no more than eight – weeks. This means that you will have to pay less tax from the end of April or the end of May.


Please note:

If you have overpaid or underpaid tax at the end of the year, this will be settled in your final assessment.


Corporation tax

Entrepreneurs who run a company can also adjust their provisional corporation tax assessment for this year. This can be done via the new business portal Mijn Belastingdienst Zakelijk. You will need to log in via eHerkenning.


Provisional income tax assessment for directors/major shareholders

If the coronavirus crisis has a significant impact on the turnover and liquidity of your company, as a director/major shareholder you can temporarily agree on a lower monthly salary in 2020. At the end of the year you determine your customary annual salary for 2020 and enter this in your payroll tax return. As a result of the coronavirus crisis, you can therefore determine your customary salary retrospectively, as you then have a clearer picture of the consequences of the crisis. You are not permitted to reduce any salary already received with retroactive effect. The relevant changes can also be made in your provisional income tax and health insurance assessment.